Dream of Dead Person Not talking To You

Dream of Dead Person Not talking To You

Have you ever dreamed about someone who’s passed away, only for them to appear silent and unable (or unwilling) to communicate with you?  It can be a really unsettling experience. One minute you’re excited to see your deceased loved one again, and the next, they’re just…there.  Silently existing in your dreamscape without so much as…

Dream About a Red Car ? Here’s What It Could Mean Spiritually

Dream About a Red Car ? Here’s What It Could Mean Spiritually

Dreams are, like mysterious messages from within don’t you think? We’ve all experienced those dreams that stay with us long after we wake up.  Sometimes certain symbols keep appearing repeatedly like dreaming about a car.  Experts on dreams and spiritual leaders suggest that specific images in our dreams can uncover truths, about our feelings, aspirations…

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Someone Confessing Love?

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Someone Confessing Love?

Have you ever had one of those dreams where someone (maybe a crush, maybe a rando) just straight up confesses their love for you?  That can really mess with your head when you wake up! Like, what the actual heck was that about? You know those types of dreams are pretty typical.  We’ve all experienced…

Left Cheek Twitching: Spiritual Meaning

Left Cheek Twitching: Spiritual Meaning

We’ve all experienced it. You’re sitting at your desk attempting to concentrate on your tasks and, out of nowhere your left cheek begins twitching. You make an expression.  The twitching persists. Oh how bothersome! However some individuals speculate that this minor twitch might signify something beyond a muscle spasm.  Indeed there are those who suggest…

The Spiritual Meaning of Seeing White Birds

The Spiritual Meaning of Seeing White Birds

Birds have always been revered in cultures and religions globally symbolizing freedom, good fortune and divine communication.  White birds in particular possess a charm with their feathers radiating an ethereal brilliance. I remember one time I was going through a really tough patch in my life. I was stressed to the max and felt like…

Have You Ever Lost Your Keys? Spiritual Meaning

Have You Ever Lost Your Keys? Spiritual Meaning

Do you remember that sinking feeling when you reached into your pocket and found nothing but lint?  I always like to think there’s more to these moments than mere forgetfulness.  It’s like Mother Earth herself is nudging us to pause and consider deeper truths. When You Felt That First Panic Whenever you lose your keys…

The Spiritual Meaning of a Frog at Your Front Door

The Spiritual Meaning of a Frog at Your Front Door

Have you ever had a frog as a visitor and wondered if there was any meaning behind it? I always found animals to have a deep symbolic meaning.  While some may view the frog as mere amphibians and nothing more, there are many traditions that regard frogs as powerful emblems.  With my expert knowledge I…