Spiritual Meaning of Nasal Congestion

Spiritual Meaning of Nasal Congestion

Nasal Congestion is a sign of a cold or just an allergy, but sometimes there could be deeper meanings. In this article I will give you my expert opinion on the spiritual and psychological meanings. Let’s start with psychological points. Psychological Viewpoints Physical discomforts like nasal symptoms, can sometimes mirror our mental state. Our stress…

The Spiritual Meaning of Shaving Your Head in a Dream

The Spiritual Meaning of Shaving Your Head in a Dream

Have you ever dreamed about shaving your head?  Did it make you wonder, ponder deeply on its meaning? Well, let’s talk about it. Transformation and New Beginnings Ever thought deeply about change? Like, real change.  The kind where you feel a different person altogether.  That’s what dreaming of shaving your head might be about. It’s…